When we had checked into Tomlinson Run, the gal in the office had told us we could only have two tents per site. "But they're such itty bitty tents...one-man tents," I pleaded. She hesitated and then decided that would be fine. We got all of the tents put up and a strapping young park ranger drove up in his SUV. "You can only have two tents per site," he called out. I smiled. "The gal in the office said she would make an exception," I said. He smiled. "Okay, but my boss would only allow two tents.". Fine. I hope your boss is off fishing somewhere this weekend. He asked us where we were biking, so I gave him a card and explained our little adventure to him. He had some good information about a trail I wanted to try in Wheeling. They had expanded the trail north so we wouldn't have to ride on the highway as much. There was also another trail in Wheeling that ran east that we could try.
We left at 6 and traffic was very light. So light, in fact, that when we got to Weirton, I pulled over and asked the gals if they would be willing to ride on Highway 22 for a short ways. Affirmative. We avoided a huge hill by doing that and when we got to Wellsburg we hopped on the trail.

Trails are a mixed bag for me. I like not having to deal with traffic and signage, but the pace is slower and I have to dodge runners, walkers, strollers, and other cyclists. All in all, this was a good experience, and I was happy to see the trail being used by so many people. The first trail we were on was the Burke Pioneer Trail, and the second was the Heritage Trail System in Wheeling.

This area has steel industry, coal industry and a chemical plant. But it is old industry with old buildings, and the entire area looks rather depressed. I kept thinking of scenes from Deer Hunter.
I finished the day with an average of 13.4, which isn't bad for being on the trails the better part of the day, 100.9 miles and...just 1960' of gain. The Lord was merciful...I had worried about the hills of West Virginia, but they were nothing, and the temperature topped out at 84 degrees. Pleasant riding, indeed.

We loaded the truck and headed across the Ohio River towards Manfield, Ohio. We had some Warm Showers folks we were going to stay with, but we couldn't get an answer when we called them. I suspect they forgot all about it. They shall forever remain nameless...I know how I would feel if I had scheduled a stay over with some weary cyclists and then forgot about them.
We found camping at Cold Fork Reservoir that would do. We called, but they didn't answer either. Perhaps people in Ohio do not like telephones? :). We drove to the campground and spotted a woman driving to her trailer in one of those golf carts, so I ran her down (no, no...not literally) and she opened a locked gate so we could set up our tents at an open site. The park officials never did come around to check us in. We wearily ate our dinner, showered, did some laundry, and went to bed.
maybe you can't...because you won't...
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