May 22-July 10, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Washington---"Well...I'm gonna get out of bed every morning...breathe in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed and breathe in and out...and then after a while, I won't have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while."

Jeremy and Co. were up at 4 and gone by 4:30. I left a little after 5. I had planned a very urban century for today...people from my local bike club will be riding with me...and I will be riding on familiar roads. I was as ecstatic as an introverted cyclist can get.
I had a two mile downhill to start the day, and then rode west along the old Evergreen Highway. At 18 miles, I rolled up to Panera Bread, a favorite starting spot for many of our club rides. There were, perhaps, 20 people who showed up to say "hi" and ride with me. Great fun...with great friends.

Much of my route included roads which I ride get groceries, to go to the dentist, or library, or have lunch with a friend. We stopped at my house, and though I had considered bowing down to kiss the porch, I didn't. :) My housemate Clare had made some killer banana nut bread along with some fruit and other snacks for our little group. It was so sweet of her...she is a gem. We picked up other riders along the way, and some riders had to peel off, but it was great fun to see everyone! I have missed my biking buddies!

I ended the day at my parent's house. My dad is 89, and my mom is 85, and they still live by themselves and do all of their own yard work. They are amazing.

I ate, showered, and Liz took me to the airport. I realized at some point, that I didn't have my Garmin with me. After being so careful for 49 days, I had forgotten it. Blast. I will not know what my average is, and I will not know how much elevation gain there is, but you can bank on one Alaska...I will ride 100 miles.
maybe you can't...because you won't...


  1. After so much experience, I am thinking you will be able to guess those numbers and be very close to what speed and elevation you end up having.

    1. Liz,
      after 49previous days of practice, she will knowI Know how she must feel without it though after all those days depending on it.--something seems wrong without.Sounds like she may have some locals to keep her on track.
