May 22-July 10, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012


I like to be prepared. I like to know ahead of time if I'm going to need extra clothing or extra water or a light. Today I rode 51 miles, half of it in a steady, 40 degree rain. No worries...I was smiling...but the final 10 miles were in the dark because I needed to see just how long the battery on my NiteRider Torch would last. So...I rode the 10, parked the bike in the garage with the light on, and kept checking on it every quarter hour or so. At 3.5 hours, the light was dimming. At 4 hours, it was nearly spent. Not bad. I think it will do for my night ride in Hawaii.
I have done the same thing with most of my other equipment...which shoes should I take...which jacket? How about the gearing on the bike? The tires? One of my best equipment finds in the past couple of years has been a ThinkSport water bottle. It is stainless steel, and while it won't fit in a conventional water bottle holder, it will fit in an Arundel holder. The Arundel holder is made in Texas and seems pretty indestructible. Why the hoopla about a water bottle? Well...I can put ice and water in a ThinkSport bottle at 9 am tomorrow morning, and even if the temps were to reach 90...(hey, I can dream, can't I)...there would still be ice in the bottle at 9 pm tomorrow night. important to me.
I will be taking two bikes on this trip. One is a custom built Rodriguez touring bike that has S&S couplers, and the other is a Litespeed Titanium Blue Ridge. The Rodriguez fits me better, but I love the Litespeed too, as it is a little lighter and has a big 52 tooth chainring that is very fun with a tailwind. Both of my saddles are made by Brooks...a B-66, and a B-67. They are heavy, but I justify their weight by not packing dog repellant, cute little mascots, and a kickstand. ;)
I have seen people tour on department store bikes, and have heard high-end cyclists discuss touring tires that likely cost more per tire than the said department store bike. I guess what I'm saying is that there is no right way to do this ride...or any other ride...many things WILL work...what works for you? Because I am a bit of a list maker...I do have a comprehensive list of my equipment. If anyone wants to take a look at that, all they have to do is let me know...
maybe you can't...because you won't...


  1. Hi Cindi,
    I love your blog. For me it's like you're talking to me. I would love a list of your gear. Is there any way to post it online kind of like you did on your other blog?
    Thanks for the attitude check your thoughts give me! Jan
